Three Effective Ways to Slim and Tone Your Inner Thighs with Dumbbells

When it comes to slimming the inner thighs and burning fat in this area many people think about those inner and outer thigh machines at the gym. Contrary to popular belief, there's no way to spot reduce inner thigh fat. However, you can perform…

Chocolate Cherry Macadamia Smoothie

Whether you're trying to lose weight, get fit or build muscle, smoothies make excellent meal replacements! Here's a deliciously sweet and wholesome smoothie recipe that's rich in protein-packed kefir and other powerful ingredients that support healthy…

Berry Berry Delicious Crepes

Berries are deliciously sweet and just plain old good for you. Whether you prefer blueberries, strawberries or raspberries, they're all packed full of vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting antioxidants. Berries are also virtually fat-free,…

Exercise Training While Juice Fasting: The Best Blends for Fueling Your Workouts

A while back I wrote an attention-grabbing article entitled "Intense Exercise Training During a Juice Fast? Is This Even Possible?" Since this article was originally published dozens and dozens of people have written me with specific questions…

Anxiety and Sleep Deprivation: How to Sleep Better

If you're frequently exposed to stress due to work or school, conflicts with family or friends, or even while sitting impatiently in a traffic jam you may be at risk of developing anxiety or anxiety-related symptoms. Anxiety is a common condition…

An Effective Weight Training Program for Women Over 40

Time and time again I notice that many women in their 40's tend to shy away from resistance (weight) training for a fear of bulking up. With declines in muscle mass starting as early as the 30's, resistance training is especially important for…

Intermittent Fasting: How I Control My Weight By Eating One Meal a Day

"How many meals a day should I eat to lose weight?" This is by far the most common question asked by dieters and weight watchers yet many just won't accept the all too simple answer—It doesn't matter. Everyone has different preferences,…
Image and Recipe Courtesy of Iberia Foods

Hearty Chicken Kabobs

I'm a huge fan of kabobs! Whether you prepare them with steak, chicken or fish, kabobs are a great way to sneak more veggies into your diet. Here's a hearty, low-calorie recipe for chicken kabobs that's incredibly rich in protein, healthy…

Six Effective Ways to Tone Your Arms

Oftentimes people ask me, "How do I get rid of this?", pointing to the backs of their arms. Some people even jiggle their arms for me or wiggle them, in order to emphasize the point. Check out this clip in which I show you six great exercises…

African-American Women Have A Harder Time Losing Weight? Give Me a Break!

Years back, I reviewed a press release of sorts on the Huffington Post suggesting "African-American women who follow the same diet as white women and exercise just as much tend to lose less weight because they burn fewer calories". The information…

Fat-Shaming: Are Legitimately Unhealthy ‘Fat’ People Hiding Behind the Term?

The Urban Dictionary has defined "fat-shaming" as "a term made by obese people to avoid the responsibility to actually take proper care of their body..." As an exercise scientist, nutritionist, and advanced trainer with expertise in obesity,…

Ground Pork with Manzanilla Olives, Minced Pimientos, and Capers

Many people don't eat pork due to social, cultural, and religious reasons but some abstain out of a presumption that it is unhealthy. Pork is often shunned for its high levels of cholesterol but it actually contains less than most meats. When…

How to Tone Your Thighs with Dumbbells

There are many resistance training exercises you can perform to give your thighs a sleek and shapely appearance. Dumbbells are great for working the thighs and other muscles of the lower body as they are relatively cheap and pretty easy to use.…

Six Effective Ways to Lose Weight after Having a Baby

When it comes to pregnancy, there's one common question asked by new moms, veteran moms, and moms-to-be: "How do I get my body back after having a baby?" While there's no single formula that works for all women, I can definitely provide some…
Image and Recipe Courtesy of bistroMD

Grilled Chicken with Roasted Garlic Veloute Sauce

As one who follows the Mediterranean-style of eating, chicken and extra virgin olive oil are my staple foods. Combining these nutrient-rich ingredients in different preparations helps keep my pallet excited for each new meal. Here's one of…

What You Can Do About Uterine Fibroids: My Personal Insights and Professional Advice

Back in 2007, while pregnant with my first and only child, I found out I had a single uterine fibroid. Throughout the progression of my pregnancy, this fibroid continued to increase in size. But, I didn't sweat it. My obstetrician-gynecologist…

Does Strength Training Turn Fat Into Muscle?

In this new era of exercise and fitness, there are countless old myths floating around that just won't go away. One of the most widespread is the notion that strength training turns fat into muscle and that if you stop this type of training…

How to Tame an Apple-Shaped Body

Do you have an apple-shaped body? Apple-shaped bodies tend to store fat in the midsection or abdominal area (belly fat). If you in fact have an apple shape, gaining any little amount of weight can cause your waistline to expand out of control,…

What It Means to Have an Apple-Shaped Body

After many years of providing educational seminars, lectures and workshops on a wide range of health, fitness and nutrition-related topics, one of my personal favorite points of discussion is the "apple-shaped" figure. At some time or another…

Are You Eating Too Much Turkey?

In recent years I've observed a complete turkey takeover. I'm not talking about the traditional Butterball that dresses the holiday table or even the shaved lunchmeat that's typically inserted between two slices of bread. I'm referring to the…