Before and After: Achieving Lasting Weight Loss with Bariatric Surgery
As an option of last resort for individuals who are extremely overweight or obese, bariatric surgeries have become increasingly popular these days. While this is due in part to the relatively safe and minimally invasive nature of today's procedures,…
I Have Bad Skin and Don’t Know What to Do: How Good Nutrition Can Help
A while back I served as a panelist during a seminar for college-aged women during which I discussed numerous practical strategies for incorporating physical activity and good nutrition into college life. At the end of the seminar, a young…
5 Highly Effective Ways to Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite
Are you bothered by the appearance of cellulite? You're certainly not alone, as cellulite is a very widespread skin problem that affects countless women, both young and old. Cellulite itself manifests primarily as small to large sized bulges,…
The Ultimate Cure For A Saggy Butt
Not satisfied with the lower half of your body, namely your rear end? Do you have a mild-to-severe deflation in this area with surrounding skin that appears loose and lax otherwise known as a "saggy butt". You're certainly not alone. In fact,…
How to Lose the Gut and Not the Butt
Are you one of many women who are skeptical about weight loss for a fear that losing too much weight will reduce the size of your butt? You might even be one of the "lucky" ones who are naturally thin yet still carrying a gut or a muffin top with…
3 Ways To Rid Your Body of Stubborn Back Fat
Not satisfied with the overall appearance of your back? Do you have excess 'flab' lingering around your lower back and sides that you simply can't get rid of? What about your upper back? Are you tired of turning around in the mirror only to…
Losing Weight Without Losing The Boobs
Many women are skeptical about weight loss for a fear that losing too much will reduce the size of their breasts. Since a large majority of breast tissue is comprised of fat (adipose tissue), this is an understandable concern. During the initial…
The Best Weight Loss Plan for “Big-Boned” Women
Many overweight women tend to misconstrue the term "big-boned" in order to justify their size. However, some do have naturally larger frames due to a relatively larger bone structure. Interestingly enough, although women with big bones tend…
Quick and Easy Ways to Slim Your Thighs Without Weights
When it comes to effective thigh slimming workouts many people think about those funky looking inner and outer thigh machines at the gym. While these machines are believed to strengthen and shape the muscles in the thighs, hips and buttocks,…
Six Healthy Eating Habits that Promote Natural Hair Growth
Want to know why your hair isn't growing? Are you experiencing excessive shedding, breakage or other forms of hair loss and don't know why? While there are numerous inevitable factors associated with hair loss among women and men alike (genetics,…
How to Lose Weight Without Getting Flabby Skin
Has your dramatic weight loss resulted in an unsightly appearance of loose, flabby skin?
You're certainly not alone!
This is actually a very common issue after a large amount of weight is lost through calorie restriction (dieting) and/or…
What It Means to Have a Pear-Shaped Body
With so many women seeking to tame their apple shapes these days it's easy to forget about those struggling with the reverse body issue: The pear shape. Have you ever been told you have a pear-shaped body? Do you know what that actually means?
Understanding the Process of Weight Management
Have you achieved a significant weight loss goal through dieting? If so, congratulations! Now, how do you intend on keeping the weight off? After working with hundreds of clients over the years and 2500+ pounds of fat lost, I've concluded that…
How to Tame an Apple-Shaped Body
Do you have an apple-shaped body?
Apple-shaped bodies tend to store fat in the midsection or abdominal area (belly fat). If you in fact have an apple shape, gaining any little amount of weight can cause your waistline to expand out of control,…
Is Your Girdle Doing More Harm than Good?
For centuries girdles, body shapers, and other shapewear have been mass-produced to meet the needs of women wishing to easily and effortless achieve the coveted hourglass figure. But, for the first time ever these apparatuses are being touted…
How to Build Strong, Lean Legs and a Shapely Butt
Most women want a toned, well-sculpted lower half with a shapely butt and strong legs that are lean but not bulky. To sculpt your body this way, you'll have to perform targeted resistance exercises for all the lower-body muscles. Since,…
3 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Jiggly, Wiggly Arms
Oftentimes, women ask me, "how do I get rid of this," pointing to the back of their arms. Some women even wiggle their arms for me to emphasize the point. I was most amused when a young lady in one of my weightlifting classes specifically asked:…