
A Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting: What to Eat for Maximum Results
Previously, I wrote an article introducing the concept of intermittent fasting, explaining exactly why it works, and how it can be especially beneficial for weight loss, long-term weight management and overall good health. In this article, I'll…

A Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting: What It Is and Why It Works
Chances are you've heard of intermittent fasting, as it's an emerging health and fitness trend that's garnering quite a lot of attention these days. In case you aren't familiar with the concept, "intermittent fasting" is essentially an umbrella…

Intense Exercise Training During a Juice Fast? Is This Even Possible?
Fasting with fresh vegetable and fruit juices is generally an excellent method of detoxing or a suitable way to introduce a comprehensive lifestyle change (diet modification, exercise training or weight loss). What's cool about juice fasting…

A Practical Approach to Exercising During a Juice Fast
For years, I've been getting flooded with emails in response to one of my more popular articles: "Intense Exercise Training During a Juice Fast? Is This Even Possible?" While this article was largely based on my own personal experiences, insights…

Exercise Training While Juice Fasting: The Best Blends for Fueling Your Workouts
A while back I wrote an attention-grabbing article entitled "Intense Exercise Training During a Juice Fast? Is This Even Possible?" Since this article was originally published dozens and dozens of people have written me with specific questions…

Intermittent Fasting: How I Control My Weight By Eating One Meal a Day
"How many meals a day should I eat to lose weight?"
This is by far the most common question asked by dieters and weight watchers yet many just won't accept the all too simple answer—It doesn't matter.
Everyone has different preferences,…

Two-Day Fasting: A Viable Option for Healthy Eating
Two-day fasting is a type of intermittent fasting regimen that's been followed by many in recent years. This type of fasting is quite beneficial in that it promotes substantial reductions in body weight, body fat percentage, and visceral…

Diurnal Fasting: What It Is and Why You Should Try It
It is well known that regular fasting can help you lose weight and improve your health. But, for many people the sheer act of abstaining from all foods and beverages can be a difficult, if not impossible, process. Those able to fully abstain are…