
Three Effective Ways to Slim and Tone Your Inner Thighs with Dumbbells
When it comes to slimming the inner thighs and burning fat in this area many people think about those inner and outer thigh machines at the gym. Contrary to popular belief, there's no way to spot reduce inner thigh fat. However, you can perform…

An Effective Weight Training Program for Women Over 40
Time and time again I notice that many women in their 40's tend to shy away from resistance (weight) training for a fear of bulking up. With declines in muscle mass starting as early as the 30's, resistance training is especially important for…

Six Effective Ways to Tone Your Arms
Oftentimes people ask me, "How do I get rid of this?", pointing to the backs of their arms. Some people even jiggle their arms for me or wiggle them, in order to emphasize the point. Check out this clip in which I show you six great exercises…

How to Tone Your Thighs with Dumbbells
There are many resistance training exercises you can perform to give your thighs a sleek and shapely appearance. Dumbbells are great for working the thighs and other muscles of the lower body as they are relatively cheap and pretty easy to use.…

How to Reduce the Appearance of a Pear Shape
Women with pear shapes tend to carry excess weight in the lower body. Excess body fat can make the pear shape look highly exaggerated but a lack of muscle tone makes it look a lot worse. In order to reduce the appearance of a pear shape…

Three Simple Exercises that Reduce Underarm Flab
Are you trying to firm up that underarm flab? You know the excess fat that's typically housed in and around the armpit and chest area? Check out this clip for some great exercises that effectively sculpt the muscles of your chest and under the…

Effective Ways to Use a Leg Press Machine
The leg press machine is a very diverse piece of equipment that allows you to perform a variety of exercises for your lower body, primarily your glutes, thighs, and legs. Check out this clip to see some of the best ways to use a leg press machine.

How to Perform the Military Press on a Swiss Ball
The military press is a great exercise for strengthening your shoulder muscles and it also works the triceps located in the back of your arm. By performing the military press on a Swiss ball you can really activate your core muscles, which improves…

Performing Lunges on a Smith Machine
Lunges are one of the most effective compound exercises for working the muscles of your hips, thighs, and butt. Performing lunges on a Smith machine allows for greater control and stability during the movement. Check out this video clip and…

The Ideal Elliptical Stride for Working the Glutes
The elliptical trainer is an excellent low impact alternative to the treadmill in that you can get in a great full body workout without placing undo stress on your joints. Most elliptical trainers allow you to adjust the cross ramp angle to…

How to Get a Bigger Butt Using a Treadmill
The treadmill offers a great form of cardiovascular (cardio) exercise but it also has various settings and modes that allow you to really tone and tighten your lower body, especially your butt. Check out this clip for three treadmill exercises…

Different Types of Weight Training Equipment
When it comes to weight training, you need to choose exercises and equipment that tax all the major muscle groups of your upper and lower body. A good weight training routine should include at least eight different exercises which can easily…

The Ab Bench Back Extension
The back extension exercise is a great way to work the lower back and other muscles of the core for greater balance and stability. Performing this exercise on a Roman chair ab bench, not only works the lower back but it also works the glutes…

Alternative Exercises to the Bench Press
While the bench press is one of the most effective exercises for building and sculpting the muscles of your chest, it's often quite difficult for beginners to perform. There are some good alternatives to the bench press. Check out this video…

The Best Types of Cardio Equipment for Women
As a woman you can experience significant health benefits from exercise training regardless of the type of exercise equipment you select. It all comes down to your access to equipment, personal preferences, and lifestyle. Cardio exercise equipment…

Using an Exercise Ball as an Office Chair
With so many people sitting in chairs and in front of computers these days the back has become one of the most vulnerable areas to chronic pain and muscle injury. One way to potentially counter this problem is by replacing your traditional office…