
Is It Possible to Trigger Starvation Mode If You’re Obese?

I was recently asked if: "There's such a thing as going into 'starvation mode' if you're morbidly obese?"—That's being more than 100 pounds overweight. My short answer is: Yes. My long answer is: Yes, but it's complicated. If you've ever…

Estimating Your Metabolic Rate and Daily Calorie Needs

Metabolism (also known as metabolic rate) is the rate at which your body inherently burns calories to fuel vital functions like breathing, blood pressure regulation, heart function, and brain activity. These calories are obtained from…

Why You Shouldn’t Attempt to Lose More than 2 Pounds a Week

Dieting is indeed the most popular weight loss approach. But, many people tend to grow impatient with the "1-2 pounds per week" rule often recommended by health experts like myself. You've more than likely heard about this "safe" weight loss…

The Important Role of Metabolism in Weight Loss

Metabolism (or the metabolic rate) is the amount of calories your body uses to fuel all vital functions (breathing, blood pressure, and brain activity). These calories are obtained from macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat and protein) housed…

Three Totally Nontraditional Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

As you probably already know, your metabolic rate (metabolism) is the amount of calories you need to sustain vital bodily functions. The higher your metabolism, the more calories you'll burn at rest and during everyday physical activities. You…