
How to Promote Better Lifestyle Choices at Work
The day-to-day lifestyle choices people make can make or break their health. Indeed, a large majority of chronic conditions including heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes are driven by poor eating habits, physical inactivity, inadequate…

Taking Care of Yourself: 40 Lessons I’ve Learned in 40 Years
Since I hit the big 4-0 back in January 2020, I've been reflecting a lot on my life. It's actually become somewhat of a daily habit. While I can honestly say that I've been physically, mentally and spiritually tested and tried, I've learned…

12 Healthy Lifestyle Choices for Every Executive
A hard-driving executive lifestyle comes with a lot of potential pitfalls that can lead to ill-health, disability, and even early death. From long working hours, sitting too much and sleeping too little, to frequent travel, excessive stress…

How to Make Better Lifestyle Choices
When it comes to health and well-being, many people just don't make the best lifestyle choices.
We all know about the dangers of living a sedentary or inactive lifestyle, smoking cigarettes, and eating too much sugar. Whether it be heart disease,…

Lessons Learned from an Unexpected Diagnosis
A couple of months ago, I broke away from frequently blogging and posting on my social media channels. It wasn't something I'd planned to do. It's just something I've grown accustomed to doing since having taken a nearly 5-month digital sabbatical…

How Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Saved ME From Domestic Abuse
Quite a number of years back, one of my Facebook followers asked me to discuss some ways in which exercise, good nutrition and other healthy lifestyle behaviors could potentially play a role in inspiring people to leave domestic violence situations.…

Be Responsible: An Argument for Self-Care
I've never been shy about voicing my opinions about conventional healthcare, especially when it comes to shortcomings in preventive care quality. If you aren't familiar with the term, "preventive care" essentially refers to any form of healthcare…