
Nine Exercises Everyone Should Be Doing

Some exercise is better than none. There's no doubt about that. Regardless of your preferred method, there are certain exercises that should definitely be part of your workout routine. These include multi-joint, multi-muscle exercises that…

The Truth About Abdominal Workouts

A lot of exercise and weight loss enthusiasts are downright obsessed with abdominal (ab) workouts. Interestingly, over the years, I've found that a large chunk of these folks are quite misinformed about abdominal muscles. And, equally misinformed…

How Performing Too Many Sit-Ups and Leg Raises Can Be Bad For You

Many people spend large chunks of their valuable workout time repeatedly performing trunk-flexing exercises like sit ups and leg raises in an effort to develop sexy, flat abdominal muscles. Generally speaking, these are the superficial muscles…

Revving Up Your Body’s Fat Burning Potential with Weight Training

When it comes to fat burning workouts, most people turn to cardio exercises like running, cycling, and elliptical training. Put a hundred weight loss seekers in a gym and I can almost guarantee that ninety will flock to the cardio machines and…

Cardio or Strength Training: Which Comes First?

Which one should I do first? Cardio or strength training? This is a very common question I get from women and men alike, particularly those who generally perform cardio and strength training workouts on the same day. The quick answer is simple:…

Weight Training 101: What You Need To Know Before You Lift

Weight (resistance) training fundamentals tend to be a real mystery for many people. Both novice and some experienced lifters alike struggle with the basics, like proper exercise selection and execution, and manipulating repetitions and sets—Even…

Nutrition Strategies for Women Trying to Bulk Up

While more women than ever before are reaping the numerous health benefits of weight training, most still have an underlying fear of "getting bigger" or "bulking up". But, believe it or not, there are still many women with the ever so unique…

How to Manage Fibroids with Weight Lifting

Fibroids (leiomyomas) are noncancerous growths or tumors that develop in and around a woman's womb (uterus). The exact cause of fibroids is unknown. However, their development and growth are stimulated by abnormal elevations in estrogen, the…

A Quick, Easy, Anywhere Full-Body Kettlebell Workout

Kettlebells are a unique type of weight training equipment that's gained considerable popularity in recent years. Whether you're new to weight training or just looking to spice up your current routine, they are great for building better balance,…

Eight Reasons Why Women Should Weight Train

Are you skeptical about weight training? Do you think it's too hard or that it'll bulk you up? Perhaps, you just find cardio exercise to be a better use of your precious workout time. For a lot of women, the answer to these questions  is…

Why You Should Lift Weights During Pregnancy

Pregnancy was by far one of the best times of my life but also among the scariest. During this time, I was constantly bombarded with a boatload of conflicting information and advice on what I should and should not do, particularly when it…

How to Lift Weights Without Bulking Up

I always emphasize that resistance training (weight lifting) is one of the most important components of an exercise program, as it helps in the maintenance of a healthy body composition. An ideal body composition is one that encompasses a high…

Why You Shouldn’t Abandon Traditional Strength Training Methods

These days, many gyms are doing away with traditional strength training machines and sometimes even free weights opting instead for trendier fitness techniques like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and Tabata boot camp workouts. While…

Three Effective Ways to Slim and Tone Your Inner Thighs with Dumbbells

When it comes to slimming the inner thighs and burning fat in this area many people think about those inner and outer thigh machines at the gym. Contrary to popular belief, there's no way to spot reduce inner thigh fat. However, you can perform…

An Effective Weight Training Program for Women Over 40

Time and time again I notice that many women in their 40's tend to shy away from resistance (weight) training for a fear of bulking up. With declines in muscle mass starting as early as the 30's, resistance training is especially important for…

Six Effective Ways to Tone Your Arms

Oftentimes people ask me, "How do I get rid of this?", pointing to the backs of their arms. Some people even jiggle their arms for me or wiggle them, in order to emphasize the point. Check out this clip in which I show you six great exercises…

How to Tone Your Thighs with Dumbbells

There are many resistance training exercises you can perform to give your thighs a sleek and shapely appearance. Dumbbells are great for working the thighs and other muscles of the lower body as they are relatively cheap and pretty easy to use.…

Does Strength Training Turn Fat Into Muscle?

In this new era of exercise and fitness, there are countless old myths floating around that just won't go away. One of the most widespread is the notion that strength training turns fat into muscle and that if you stop this type of training…

How to Reduce the Appearance of a Pear Shape

Women with pear shapes tend to carry excess weight in the lower body. Excess body fat can make the pear shape look highly exaggerated but a lack of muscle tone makes it look a lot worse. In order to reduce the appearance of a pear shape…

A 3-Day Weight Training Workout for Women

Are you one of the many women who shy away from weight training out of the fear of "bulking up"? Are you one of the many women who shy away from weight training out of the fear of "bulking up"? For successful weight loss, weight management,…