
Five Tips for Fighting Your Muffin Top
Are you struggling with an unsightly appearance of fat just above the waistline, otherwise known as a "muffin top"? It's not a hopeless situation! The appearance of a muffin top generally results from a central distribution of excess body fat,…

I’m In My 40s and Getting Belly Fat: What’s Up With That?
Belly fat is one of the most common sources of frustration for weight loss seekers, especially women. Indeed, during every lecture, seminar and workshop I've ever given for an audience of women at least one raises the question of how to lose…

Belly Fat: Five Ways to Lose the Pooch
These days belly fat is indeed one of the most widely targeted areas of the body among men and women alike. Walk into any gym and you'll find countless people spending a large majority of their workout time engaging in 'belly fat boot-camp'…

The Secret to Great Abs
Seems like everyone these days complains about their midsection. In fact, one of the most common questions I am asked by clients, friends, and family is: "How do I get rid of this?"—Of course, referring to the infamous belly protrusion.

Why Exercise Alone Won’t Get Rid of Belly Fat
Are you seriously struggling with belly fat and looking for a real solution? Are you finding it especially difficult to flatten your tummy in spite of all your exercise efforts? While I'll be the first to tell you that regular exercise is of…