Three Ways to Reduce Your Risk of a Heart Attack

In spite of what many believe, a heart attack is not necessarily a "natural cause" of death. It is usually the first symptom of an underlying problem like heart disease, which is a leading cause of death worldwide for men and women of all ages,…

Is It Necessary to Stretch Before Workouts?

There is a widespread belief that stretching prior to exercise improves performance, prevents injury, and boosts recovery time. But, believe it or not, this all-too-common pre-workout ritual may actually do more harm than good. In fact,…

How to Lose the Gut and Not the Butt

Are you one of many women who are skeptical about weight loss for a fear that losing too much weight will reduce the size of your butt? You might even be one of the "lucky" ones who are naturally thin yet still carrying a gut or a muffin top with…

Intense Exercise Training During a Juice Fast? Is This Even Possible?

Fasting with fresh vegetable and fruit juices is generally an excellent method of detoxing or a suitable way to introduce a comprehensive lifestyle change (diet modification, exercise training or weight loss). What's cool about juice fasting…

Nutrition Strategies for Women Trying to Bulk Up

While more women than ever before are reaping the numerous health benefits of weight training, most still have an underlying fear of "getting bigger" or "bulking up". But, believe it or not, there are still many women with the ever so unique…

3 Ways To Rid Your Body of Stubborn Back Fat

Not satisfied with the overall appearance of your back? Do you have excess 'flab' lingering around your lower back and sides that you simply can't get rid of? What about your upper back? Are you tired of turning around in the mirror only to…

Research Confirms Long-Term Weight Loss is Almost Impossible, Please Stop It!

A while back, I reviewed a press release of sorts shared by a member from my Facebook page suggesting that "It's nearly impossible to permanently lose weight." What a silly notion! The fallacy in this bogus argument that permanent weight…

Seven Healthy Ways to Enjoy Your Sushi Experience

As a health-conscious foodie, I always make an effort to get the most nutritional bang for my buck, especially when dining away from home. Sushi has always fit the bill perfectly! Believe it or not, when the right combination of ingredients…

How to Create a Perfectly Healthy Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

The peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a quick and easy lunchtime staple loved by both kids and adults alike. Growing up, I absolutely hated this sandwich, as I was more of a grilled cheese kind of girl. But, as I got a little older and became…

Key Factors to Consider Before Buying Organic Produce

I'm often asked if buying organic food is worthwhile, particularly organic fruits and vegetables. My usual answer is "it depends", which is generally not the answer people are looking for. But here's my rationale: If your goal is to protect…

Wheatgrass Juice: An All-Natural Blood Tonic that Boosts Immunity

If you've visited your local health food store lately, you've probably seen fresh wheatgrass juice being sold at the juice bar. Wheatgrass juice is prepared by extracting juice from the mature sprouts of wheat seeds by way of a cold press juicer.…

An Unbelievably Delicious Recipe for Vegan Feta Cheese

As one who follows a Mediterranean-style diet, Greek salad is by far one of my most favorite foods. Traditionally made with tomato, cucumber, onion, olives and feta cheese, all drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with fresh herbs, this salad…

The Best Time to Eat Fruit

I'm a diehard salad connoisseur known for my flamboyant blends of veggies, fruit, and seafood. Interestingly, whenever I post a salad recipe or pic, someone almost always questions my choice of including fruit. Now, everyone knows that eating…

Shrimp and Romaine Salad with Avocado

Those of you who either know or follow me are fully aware that I can't get enough of eating salads. Shrimp salads are among my most favorite, as they're a solid source of lean protein and key micronutrients. Here's an incredibly delicious recipe…

A Practical Approach to Exercising During a Juice Fast

For years, I've been getting flooded with emails in response to one of my more popular articles: "Intense Exercise Training During a Juice Fast? Is This Even Possible?" While this article was largely based on my own personal experiences, insights…

5 Simple Ways to Add Flaxseeds to Your Diet for Weight Management

Regularly eating flaxseeds can support weight management and overall good health. Problem is, many people just don't know how to eat them. If you're trying to incorporate flaxseeds into your diet, at first glance you might very well be intimidated…

Natural Ways to Suppress Hunger and Appetite for Weight Loss

Constant hunger and increased appetite can sabotage weight loss and possibly even lead to weight gain. This holds especially true when you regularly give in to overeating. Now, it's important to understand that hunger and appetite are…

Simple and Natural Ways to Detox Your Body

I can't begin to tell you how often people ask me for advice and tips on "detox" diets or detoxification in general. But interestingly enough, to many the concept itself has no real meaning. Basic physiology teaches us that the body has…

Losing Weight Without Losing The Boobs

Many women are skeptical about weight loss for a fear that losing too much will reduce the size of their breasts. Since a large majority of breast tissue is comprised of fat (adipose tissue), this is an understandable concern. During the initial…


If you're looking to get an ample dose of dietary fiber, healthy fat, protein, and essential micronutrients in a single nutritious snack bar, this easy to follow recipe incorporating WOWBUTTER is definitely worth a try. WOWBUTTER is a plant-based…