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The Ab Bench Back Extension

The back extension exercise is a great way to work the lower back and other muscles of the core for greater balance and stability. Performing this exercise on a Roman chair ab bench, not only works the lower back but it also works the glutes and the hamstring muscles located on the back of the […]

The Best Types of Cardio Equipment for Women

As a woman you can experience significant health benefits from exercise training regardless of the type of exercise equipment you select. It all comes down to your access to equipment, personal preferences, and lifestyle. Cardio exercise equipment like treadmills, elliptical trainers, stair climbers, and stationary cycling machines are excellent for burning calories and improving your […]

Using an Exercise Ball as an Office Chair

With so many people sitting in chairs and in front of computers these days the back has become one of the most vulnerable areas to chronic pain and muscle injury. One way to potentially counter this problem is by replacing your traditional office chair with an exercise ball. When properly seated on an exercise ball […]

Chocoholic Chocolate Brownie Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a nutritious and incredibly versatile food that can be enjoyed as breakfast, a snack, or even a dessert. I personally enjoy eating semi-sweetened oatmeal as a stand-alone dish but it’s also one of my favorite ingredients to add to smoothies and guilt-free treats for a fiber boost. To satisfy a sweet tooth, here’s a wholesomely delicious, […]

Lobster Grilled Cheese

Growing up, I was a grilled cheese kind of girl, but it was mainly “government cheese” on Wonder bread. This certainly wasn’t the healthiest sandwich. Although I’ve grown up to be more health conscious, every now and then I still crave a good grilled cheese sandwich. Here’s one of my favorite recipes that includes lobster for a protein boost.

Red Snapper Vera Cruz

Next to salmon, red snapper is one of my personal favorite fish to eat. It’s also an incredibly nutritious, low-calorie source of protein that’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, and the potent antioxidant selenium. Here’s a mouthwatering recipe for red snapper that incorporates other health-promoting ingredients like fresh garlic, olive oil, and avocado.

How to Build Strong, Lean Legs and a Shapely Butt

Most women want a toned, well-sculpted lower half with a shapely butt and strong legs that are lean but not bulky. To sculpt your body this way, you’ll have to perform targeted resistance exercises for all the lower-body muscles. Since, they’re a lot of muscle groups in this area, many women have a hard time choosing the best exercises. Before I fully delve into […]

5 Reasons Why Resistance Training Is Necessary for Weight Loss

Many weight loss seekers tend to avoid resistance training (weight lifting) for a fear of “bulking up” or “getting bigger”. But, in spite of what many believe, this type of training is absolutely critical for long-term weight management and overall good health. Here are five reasons why resistance training is especially necessary for those seeking to lose a little or even a lot […]

Eliminating Cardio Exercise for Weight Loss?

A while back, one of my Facebook followers asked an interesting question pertaining to the role of cardiovascular (cardio) exercise in weight loss: “Dr. Nina, I would like your take on the idea of eliminating intense cardio exercises like running for weight loss…Is there any empirical data that supports or denies this claim?” Believe it or not, this is actually an ongoing […]

Stop Calling Me Skinny!

Have you recently experienced a dramatic weight loss and now sense that people are treating you differently? Are you suddenly hearing things like you’re “getting too skinny” or you “look sick”? If the answer to either of these questions is “yes” you’re certainly not alone. Unfortunately, this is something I’ve been dealing with for most of […]

Diurnal Fasting: What It Is and Why You Should Try It

It is well known that regular fasting can help you lose weight and improve your health. But, for many people the sheer act of abstaining from all foods and beverages can be a difficult, if not impossible, process. Those able to fully abstain are at increased risk of entering a starvation mode, which is generally accompanied by extreme hunger, cravings, and, oftentimes, weight […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Mushrooms

I regularly include mushrooms in food preparations and they’re actually quite high on the list of nutrient-dense foods. Nutrient-dense foods are essentially those rich in health-promoting macronutrients and micronutrients but relatively low in calories, sodium, and sugar. So, whether you’re trying to lose weight or just adopt healthier eating habits, here are five reasons to incorporate mushrooms into […]

Turkey Bacon Wrapped Chicken

I don’t know about you, but bacon just makes everything taste better to me. Still, I seldom eat it as a main course. Instead, I generally treat it as more of a garnish for meats and omelets or a ‘salty’ seasoning for salads. Funny enough, I feel the exact same way about goat cheese. I can add it to just about […]