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The Gluten-Free Lifestyle: Is It Really a Fad?

For over a decade, gluten-free eating has been widely popular amongst health enthusiasts and weight loss seekers. When visiting your local grocery store, you’ve likely noticed that many shelves are packed full of foods labeled “gluten-free”. Unfortunately, for a large majority of the population—say 90-95%—such gluten-free products are really an unnecessary investment.

Two-Day Fasting: A Viable Option for Healthy Eating

Two-day fasting is a type of intermittent fasting regimen that’s been followed by many in recent years. This type of fasting is quite beneficial in that it promotes substantial reductions in body weight, body fat percentage, and visceral (belly) fat. Personally, I’ve practiced two-day fasting and other forms of intermittent fasting for nearly a decade.

Egg-Cellent Breakfast Quesadilla

I generally skip breakfast due to my intermittent fasting regimen. But, I’m still a diehard fan of eggs! Here’s one of my personal favorite recipes that’s less than 150 calories per serving and packed full of protein making it perfect for weight watchers and carb watchers alike.

Is Your Girdle Doing More Harm than Good?

For centuries girdles, body shapers, and other shapewear have been mass-produced to meet the needs of women wishing to easily and effortless achieve the coveted hourglass figure. But, for the first time ever these apparatuses are being touted as spot reducing, fat burning tools that promote efficient weight loss and improve posture while eliminating ‘toxins’ through […]

Lemon Garlic Shrimp

Many people completely avoid eating shrimp due to their relatively high levels of cholesterol. But, in spite of widespread belief, the cholesterol housed in shrimp contributes very little, if any, to the development of high-cholesterol and related health problems. In fact, due to their unique nutritional composition, shrimp remain at the top of the list […]

How to Incorporate Resistance Training Into Your Workouts

Having a solid resistance (weight) training routine is critical for weight loss, long-term weight management, and overall good health. This type of training inherently builds lean muscle mass in the body, which is an integral component of body composition (the relative distribution of fat and lean mass). Having more lean muscle mass and less body fat is ideal, as […]

How to Incorporate Cardio Exercise Into Your Workouts

Cardiovascular exercise (or simply cardio) is one of the most effective ways to increase your day-to-day calorie expenditures, which is critical for weight loss, long-term weight management, and overall good health. When coupled with regular weight training, cardio can also improve your body composition (the relative distribution of fat and lean mass) by reducing your overall body fat percentage. This is especially […]

5 Cheap and Convenient Ways to Burn Fat Fast

Performing cardiovascular (cardio) exercise is one of the best ways to burn calories and melt away excess fat. But, in spite of popular belief, this type of exercise doesn’t require expensive, monotonous equipment or even a substantial amount of your time. By coupling the right types of exercise with some effort and dedication, you can […]

Rubbed Kale with Butternut Squash

Like most leafy green vegetables, kale is very low in calories, packed full of fiber, and high in key vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. I personally prefer the taste of raw kale in smoothies and salads but I generally combine it with sweeter ingredients to temper its bitter taste. Here’s one of my favorite recipes for kale that includes […]

Dieting’s Done, Now Leave That Fat Behind For Good

Have you achieved a significant weight loss goal through dieting? If so, congratulations! So, now that you’ve lost the weight, how do you intend on keeping it off? Have you developed a long-term weight maintenance strategy? Thinking of keeping your personal trainer on retainer for the rest of your life? Excited about opening up plastic wrapped entrées or […]