The path to a long and happy life, is highly dependent on the kind of lifestyle choices people make each day. As a globally recognized wellness expert, Nina Cherie Franklin highlights “small change” approaches to healthy living.

Forget the Sugar, Eating Carrots is Good for You

Often referred to as the "King of Vegetables", carrots are among the world's most popular health foods. And, believe it or not, carrot juice is as beneficial as the carrots themselves. But, interestingly, carrots are frequently shunned for being…

I Have Bad Skin and Don’t Know What to Do: How Good Nutrition Can Help

A while back I served as a panelist during a seminar for college-aged women during which I discussed numerous practical strategies for incorporating physical activity and good nutrition into college life. At the end of the seminar, a young…

Five Cheap Ways to Create a Home Gym

These days many commercialized gyms are social clubs, having a large presence of highly fit, athletic, and able-bodied men and women, which, in and of itself, can intimate others who are less fit. So much in fact that novice exercisers oftentimes…

Simple Tips for Choosing the Best Breakfast Foods

Breakfast is presumed to be the most important meal of the day. But, for many, "breakfast" is generally comprised of heavily processed and refined cereals, cereal bars, and pastries with a little fruit on the side. When it comes to weight management…

Hearty Chicken Cobb Salad

Those of you who either know or follow me are fully aware that I love a good salad. The classic Cobb salad is among my most favorite preparations and it's incredibly nutritious. Here's a recipe for my 'Hearty Chicken Cobb Salad', which only…

Are Diet Soft Drinks a Healthy Choice?

I was recently asked my opinion on drinking diet soft drinks. The person specifically wanted to know if there's anything wrong with enjoying a diet soda in the morning for a quick caffeine boost. Initially, this question was somewhat difficult…

Eating Unhealthy Foods and Losing Weight: Is This Even Possible?

A while back someone asked me "Is it at all possible to lose weight without eating vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods?" Believe it or not, my answer was a firm "YES!" In fact, many people believe that losing weight requires continuous…

Effective Strategies for Avoiding Hypertension

Just over a year ago, my father suffered a stroke caused by unchecked hypertension. For years my siblings and I urged him to seek some form of therapeutic intervention in order to manage his high blood pressure, but to little avail. Over time,…

Garlicky Teriyaki Shrimp and Vegetable Stir Fry

Stir fry preparations are a great way to get sizeable portions of vegetables in a single dish. Ingredients like bell pepper, green cabbage, mushroom, onion, carrot, broccoli, garlic, and ginger, are among the tastiest. At the start of my weight…

Garlic: Mother Nature’s Underground Pharmacy

For centuries, garlic has been used worldwide as a natural treatment for a range of chronic diseases and illnesses, as it has potent anti-bacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. In fact, due to its powerful healing properties,…

Cardio or Strength Training: Which Comes First?

Which one should I do first? Cardio or strength training? This is a very common question I get from women and men alike, particularly those who generally perform cardio and strength training workouts on the same day. The quick answer is simple:…

Hearty Grilled Vegetable Skewers

I absolutely love grilling vegetables and they're so much healthier than traditional side dishes like potato salad and macaroni & cheese. To boost the overall nutritional value of veggies, I generally prepare them with high-quality fruit…

Watcha Drinking? Let’s Talk About Green Tea

Tea is undoubtedly one of the most widely consumed beverages around the world. And among the hundreds of different kinds of tea that offer medicinal benefits, green tea is one of the most prized for its multitude of health-promoting qualities.…

Five Highly Effective Ways to Prevent Running-Related Injuries

Whether for weight management, sport, recreation, comradery or charity, running has become a favorite pastime of many people around the world. In fact, due to its utter convenience and outright affordability, running is second only to walking…

Oatmeal Basics: Understanding the Differences Between Oats

Oatmeal is an excellent source of whole grains as it is naturally low in calories and incredibly rich in valuable nutrients. It's an especially unique cereal in that it comes in many forms including old-fashioned oatmeal, quick cooking oats,…

Is It Best to Perform Cardio Exercise in the Morning?

In a continued effort to encourage people to eat better and move more, I normally make it a practice to fully address any and every controversial question that comes my way, especially when it comes to working out. One that's extremely debatable…

Savory Sweet Apple Walnut Tuna Salad

I grew up eating lots of tuna salad—the "chunk light" version, which my mom drenched in mayonnaise, seasoned with a little some of everything, and served with Ritz Crackers (never bread). Even through my college years I maintained a real fondness…

High Cholesterol: What You Need to Know

Have you been diagnosed with high cholesterol? Worried about your risk? Either way, you're certainly not alone, as close to 40% of adults worldwide have been diagnosed with this chronic health condition. Though heredity and other uncontrollable…

Weight Training 101: What You Need To Know Before You Lift

Weight (resistance) training fundamentals tend to be a real mystery for many people. Both novice and some experienced lifters alike struggle with the basics, like proper exercise selection and execution, and manipulating repetitions and sets—Even…

What to Look for in a Fitness Tracking Device

With the widespread promotion of physical activity and exercise, new breeds of fitness tracking devices are hitting the mainstream market every day. Most of these devices can be beneficial for tracking some level of daily activity. Whether or…