The path to a long and happy life, is highly dependent on the kind of lifestyle choices people make each day. As a globally recognized wellness expert, Nina Cherie Franklin highlights “small change” approaches to healthy living.

How to Perform Cardio Exercise the Right Way

Performing cardiovascular (cardio) exercise is one of the most effective ways to manage your body weight, better your health, and improve your overall fitness levels. In fact, as little as 30-45 minutes of daily cardio can help stave off…

The Real Nitty-Gritty on Whole Grain Foods

With the widespread popularity of low-carb diets, a lot of high-quality foods have been unfairly demonized. This holds especially true for whole grain foods. Don't be misled by all the hype, as whole grains are rich in quite a lot of nutrients.…

Drinking Fresh: The Real Nutritional Value and Health Benefits of Juicing

Vegetables and fruit are undoubtedly an important part of a healthy, balanced diet, as they are naturally potent sources of disease-fighting vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. While a daily intake of at least five or more servings is ideal…

Don’t Be Afraid To Skip Breakfast

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." This is an all-too-common phrase that I secretly dislike, as the supposed benefits of eating this traditional morning meal have been totally misconstrued by both health experts and enthusiasts. Skipping…

Seven Effective Strategies for Naturally Managing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition among women between the ages of 12 and 45. Classic symptoms of PCOS include weight gain, insulin resistance leading to high blood sugar, hormonal imbalances (elevated testosterone), menstrual…

The Skinny on Being Fat

Think having a "normal" body weight equates to being healthy? If your answer is yes, you're sadly mistaken. Unfortunately, when it comes to measuring health, many rely solely on the scale. While the scale reading generally provides a quick…
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Protein-Rich Tacos with a Homemade Seasoning Mix

I'm an absolute and all-around fan of tacos. From soft to hard shell, traditional to creative, meat-filled to meatless, I've tried just about every type of taco there is. In my home, we have "taco night" once or twice a month during which time…

What the Health: When Advocacy Goes Wrong

I've received dozens of emails asking me to review What the Health, a follow-up food documentary from the creators of Cowspiracy, which is currently available on Netflix. I honestly didn't want to watch it. From the teaser trailers and social…

Breaking Free: What I’ve Learned After 10 Years of Fitness Tracking

Those of you who regularly follow my blog or social media channels, know that I often post images of my daily activity progress as depicted on the display screen of my coveted Apple Watch. Well, just recently, that display screen randomly popped…

Juicing Vs Blending: Which is Really Better for You?

I've been a huge fan of juicing since Jay Kordich pitched the "Juiceman" juicer in the early '90s. So much so, that I once partook in a 21-day juice fast, which ultimately led to my converting to veganism. Although I've since introduced seafood,…

Top Down or Bottom Up: Things to Consider Before Getting a Colonic

As a scientist and health expert, I'm often asked about the benefits of regular "colon cleansing" for detoxification and general health purposes. Colon cleansing is basically an umbrella term that encompasses a number of different procedures…

Before and After: Achieving Lasting Weight Loss with Bariatric Surgery

As an option of last resort for individuals who are extremely overweight or obese, bariatric surgeries have become increasingly popular these days. While this is due in part to the relatively safe and minimally invasive nature of today's procedures,…

You Won’t Believe It’s Vegan Pistachio Ice Cream

I absolutely love eating pistachio nuts! And, though I've never been a huge fan of sweets, I will devour some pistachio ice cream. Needless to say, when I was introduced to a new recipe for homemade pistachio ice cream, I jumped at the chance…

Are Processed Meats Really Bad for Your Health?

Processed meats are among the most commonly consumed foods around the world. Interestingly enough, they are also among the latest dietary boogeymen, with linkages to cancer, heart disease, and even premature death. While some processed meats…

Revving Up Your Body’s Fat Burning Potential with Weight Training

When it comes to fat burning workouts, most people turn to cardio exercises like running, cycling, and elliptical training. Put a hundred weight loss seekers in a gym and I can almost guarantee that ninety will flock to the cardio machines and…

Triple Chocolate Protein Balls

Eating the right amount of protein, fat, and fiber helps to stabilize blood sugar and boost fat burning throughout the day. Luckily, adding more of these nutrients to your diet doesn't have to be a complicated process. Whether you're looking…

The Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon

Growing up in the Englewood community of Chicago, I spent a lot of time at my grandma's house. Grandma's garden was one of the biggest and best in Englewood, stocked full of collards, pole beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, and even sunflowers. Every…

Three Healthy Ways to Celebrate the 4th of July

Holiday overeating is a major threat to weight management and the Fourth of July is certainly no exception. Still, at the end of the day, managing your weight is all about maintaining a healthy balance between the amount of calories that…

Is It Possible to Be Fit and Fat?

During my latter years as a private personal trainer, I developed a keen interest in sculpting the bodies of full-figured women who weren't necessarily seeking to lose weight. One of my most memorable clients was a curvy plus-size model who…

Almond Chicken with Peaches and Roquefort

As a lifestyle blogger and absolute foodie, I'm always trying different cuisines and creating innovative food experiences at home. Interestingly enough, I've eaten just about every type of food from all the major food groups but whether I'm…