
Why the Master Cleanse Won’t End Your Weight Loss Battle
The "Master Cleanse" is a liquid-based dieting program that has experienced widespread popularity for decades. Not surprisingly so, as it typically results in dramatic amounts of weight loss in a relatively short period of time. Also known…

How the hCG Diet Exploits the “Placebo” Effect
"What are your thoughts on the hCG diet?" I can't even count the number of times I've been asked about this one. Unsurprisingly so, as "hCG" is of course another one of those "miracle" drugs claimed to have helped millions of people shed dozens…

Effective or Overhyped: The Facts About Garcinia Cambogia
I'm sure you've either seen or heard of Garcinia Cambogia pills and extracts, which have been so widely endorsed by physician-turned-television-personality Dr. Oz and numerous other celebrities and self-proclaimed "experts". In fact, among the…

Eight Reasons Why Women Should Weight Train
Are you skeptical about weight training? Do you think it's too hard or that it'll bulk you up? Perhaps, you just find cardio exercise to be a better use of your precious workout time. For a lot of women, the answer to these questions is…

The Best Weight Loss Plan for “Big-Boned” Women
Many overweight women tend to misconstrue the term "big-boned" in order to justify their size. However, some do have naturally larger frames due to a relatively larger bone structure. Interestingly enough, although women with big bones tend…

Four Simple and Effective Tips for Achieving Permanent Weight Loss
So, you've decided to lose weight. Congratulations! Now, how do you intend on losing the weight? More important, how will you permanently keep the weight off?
After working with hundreds of clients over the years and 2,500-plus pounds of fat…

How Insulin Affects Your Weight
If you or someone you know has diabetes you're probably all too familiar with the term "insulin". But, what you might not know is that this powerful hormone can dramatically affect the body's natural fat-burning mechanisms and ultimately influence…

Why Exercise Alone Won’t Get Rid of Belly Fat
Are you seriously struggling with belly fat and looking for a real solution? Are you finding it especially difficult to flatten your tummy in spite of all your exercise efforts? While I'll be the first to tell you that regular exercise is of…

The 6 Worst Weight Loss Methods Ever
One out of every 3 adults is trying to lose weight yet nearly 70% are still overweight. Of those lucky enough to experience weight loss, over 90% experience weight regain within a 3-5 year period (or less). So, what's wrong here? Well, obviously,…

How the Thermogenic Process Can Help You Lose Weight
Fat burners are becoming increasingly popular among people who are seeking to lose weight fast. I'll admit that these weight loss supplements may enhance the loss of body fat, particularly when combined with a sensible eating plan and a proper…

How to Lose Weight Without Getting Flabby Skin
Has your dramatic weight loss resulted in an unsightly appearance of loose, flabby skin?
You're certainly not alone!
This is actually a very common issue after a large amount of weight is lost through calorie restriction (dieting) and/or…

What You Need to Know About Being “Big-Boned”
Ever heard the statement: "I'm not fat, I'm just big boned?" Perhaps you've even said it yourself.
Unfortunately, the "big-boned" theory is one that's all too commonly misconstrued by people as justification for being overweight or obese when,…

Three Easy and Convenient Ways to Stay Fit When Traveling
If you regularly engage in exercise training, traveling can really interrupt your routine, especially if your lodging spot is devoid of fitness equipment. I recall a four-day visit to Tupelo, Mississippi during which I stayed at a family member's…

The Important Role of Metabolism in Weight Loss
Metabolism (or the metabolic rate) is the amount of calories your body uses to fuel all vital functions (breathing, blood pressure, and brain activity). These calories are obtained from macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat and protein) housed…

Intermittent Fasting: How I Control My Weight By Eating One Meal a Day
"How many meals a day should I eat to lose weight?"
This is by far the most common question asked by dieters and weight watchers yet many just won't accept the all too simple answer—It doesn't matter.
Everyone has different preferences,…

African-American Women Have A Harder Time Losing Weight? Give Me a Break!
Years back, I reviewed a press release of sorts on the Huffington Post suggesting "African-American women who follow the same diet as white women and exercise just as much tend to lose less weight because they burn fewer calories". The information…

Six Effective Ways to Lose Weight after Having a Baby
When it comes to pregnancy, there's one common question asked by new moms, veteran moms, and moms-to-be: "How do I get my body back after having a baby?" While there's no single formula that works for all women, I can definitely provide some…

Three Totally Nontraditional Ways to Boost Your Metabolism
As you probably already know, your metabolic rate (metabolism) is the amount of calories you need to sustain vital bodily functions. The higher your metabolism, the more calories you'll burn at rest and during everyday physical activities. You…

The Gluten-Free Lifestyle: Is It Really a Fad?
For over a decade, gluten-free eating has been widely popular amongst health enthusiasts and weight loss seekers. When visiting your local grocery store, you've likely noticed that many shelves are packed full of foods labeled "gluten-free".…

Two-Day Fasting: A Viable Option for Healthy Eating
Two-day fasting is a type of intermittent fasting regimen that's been followed by many in recent years. This type of fasting is quite beneficial in that it promotes substantial reductions in body weight, body fat percentage, and visceral…