
Estimating Your Metabolic Rate and Daily Calorie Needs

Metabolism (also known as metabolic rate) is the rate at which your body inherently burns calories to fuel vital functions like breathing, blood pressure regulation, heart function, and brain activity. These calories are obtained from…

Why You Need to Regularly Change Your Exercise Routine

Ever think to yourself, "I've been eating right and exercising regularly but I still haven't lost the weight?" You're certainly not alone! Many people are fighting their own personal battles to lose weight in spite of their healthy diets…

3 Ways To Achieve Successful Weight Loss For Free

In spite of what you might have assumed from claims made in mainstream advertisements and the thousands of weight loss plans on the market, losing weight doesn't require a significant financial investment. Take it from someone who successfully…

How to Get More Out of Your Walk for Weight Loss

Walking is by far among the most common types of cardiovascular (cardio) exercise, as it's easy to perform, requires little or no equipment, and can conveniently be incorporated into your everyday routine. Through its beneficial effects on the…

5 Highly Effective Ways to Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite

Are you bothered by the appearance of cellulite? You're certainly not alone, as cellulite is a very widespread skin problem that affects countless women, both young and old. Cellulite itself manifests primarily as small to large sized bulges,…

Why You Shouldn’t Attempt to Lose More than 2 Pounds a Week

Dieting is indeed the most popular weight loss approach. But, many people tend to grow impatient with the "1-2 pounds per week" rule often recommended by health experts like myself. You've more than likely heard about this "safe" weight loss…

Physical Fitness: It Doesn’t Have To Be All or Nothing

How many times have you promised to start exercising again on a Monday? Have you ever woken up late for your morning workout, concluded the rest of your week was ruined, and pledged to resume your workout program the following week? I'll bet…

Three Smart Strategies for Exercising with a Lung Condition

When compared to the average person, individuals with lung conditions (chronic bronchitis, asthma, and emphysema) use way more energy during breathing. Such breathing problems are a result of narrowing and inflammation (swelling) of the lung's…

Belly Fat: Five Ways to Lose the Pooch

These days belly fat is indeed one of the most widely targeted areas of the body among men and women alike. Walk into any gym and you'll find countless people spending a large majority of their workout time engaging in 'belly fat boot-camp'…

The Secret to Great Abs

Seems like everyone these days complains about their midsection. In fact, one of the most common questions I am asked by clients, friends, and family is: "How do I get rid of this?"—Of course, referring to the infamous belly protrusion. Interestingly…

The Ultimate Cure For A Saggy Butt

Not satisfied with the lower half of your body, namely your rear end? Do you have a mild-to-severe deflation in this area with surrounding skin that appears loose and lax otherwise known as a "saggy butt". You're certainly not alone. In fact,…

Circuit Training: Efficient and Research Proven Effective

If you're looking for an enjoyable, convenient, and effective way to exercise, circuit training is something you might want to consider. Whether you're new to working out or well-trained and just trying to overcome a plateau in your weight…

Women and Weight Loss: Act Like a Man and Lose More Weight

Are you exercising regularly and eating sensibly but still finding it difficult to shake the weight? You're certainly not alone. In fact, over the years I've found that a large percentage of individuals with whom I consult are constantly finding…

3 Common Myths About Exercise and Diet Among Women, Debunked!

Between commercial advertisements, magazines and general hearsay, a lot of women fall victim to misconceptions and myths related to health, fitness and weight loss, many of which don't ever seem to go away in spite of science proving them wrong.…

Is It Necessary to Stretch Before Workouts?

There is a widespread belief that stretching prior to exercise improves performance, prevents injury, and boosts recovery time. But, believe it or not, this all-too-common pre-workout ritual may actually do more harm than good. In fact,…

How to Lose the Gut and Not the Butt

Are you one of many women who are skeptical about weight loss for a fear that losing too much weight will reduce the size of your butt? You might even be one of the "lucky" ones who are naturally thin yet still carrying a gut or a muffin top with…

Nutrition Strategies for Women Trying to Bulk Up

While more women than ever before are reaping the numerous health benefits of weight training, most still have an underlying fear of "getting bigger" or "bulking up". But, believe it or not, there are still many women with the ever so unique…

3 Ways To Rid Your Body of Stubborn Back Fat

Not satisfied with the overall appearance of your back? Do you have excess 'flab' lingering around your lower back and sides that you simply can't get rid of? What about your upper back? Are you tired of turning around in the mirror only to…

A Practical Approach to Exercising During a Juice Fast

For years, I've been getting flooded with emails in response to one of my more popular articles: "Intense Exercise Training During a Juice Fast? Is This Even Possible?" While this article was largely based on my own personal experiences, insights…

Losing Weight Without Losing The Boobs

Many women are skeptical about weight loss for a fear that losing too much will reduce the size of their breasts. Since a large majority of breast tissue is comprised of fat (adipose tissue), this is an understandable concern. During the initial…