Daily physical activity undeniably supports healthy growth and development among children. It also reduces the risk of obesity and chronic health problems during childhood (and adulthood). When it comes to promoting physical activity behaviors among children, there are numerous options that can easily be implemented.

Facilitate an Environment of Physical Activity

When your children are home, it’s important to facilitate an environment of physical activity in order to get them more active. Tactically, as a parent you should mandate that the television is turned off and limit computer usage, or even take both away if necessary. In addition, verbally encourage your children to be physically active.

Related Article: It’s Not Baby Fat: The Real Reason Your Child is Gaining Weight

When they come home from school, kick them right back outdoors. Let them run around the backyard or neighborhood, put them on a bike, take them to the playground, get them involved in sports or even encourage them to walk or bike to the local library to do homework as opposed to staying in the house. Whatever works best for you.

Change Your Daily Routines

As I mentioned previously, start changing the daily patterns of your children so they get used to being physically active. Children only know what you teach them so if you mandate certain activities, they’ll more than likely follow your lead.

For instance, when it comes to young children in daycare centers or schools that are less than a mile away from home, make it a practice to walk your children to and/or from the daycare center/school at least 2 or 3 times a week.

Related Article: Spontaneous Physical Activity: What Is It and Why You Need It Every Day

If your children are school-aged and old enough to commute to and from school, encourage them to either walk or ride a bike every day. It’s all in an effort to encourage your children to be more physically active.

Implementing physical activity into the lifestyles of children is a critical component of getting them on a path to leading healthier lives.

But it doesn’t stop there!

It’s also important for children to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet in order to support their energy needs and help their bodies and minds develop and mature.

Related Article: Tips for Implementing Healthy Eating Habits Into a Child’s Lifestyle

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